The Acorn Project
We provide wraparound support for young people and their families living with cancer in Hawke’s Bay.

We get what you’re going through and we’re here for you
Whether the patient is you, your parent or main carer, brother or sister. Maybe you’ve just had the news, just started treatment or been living with cancer for a while. Maybe you’ve lost someone.

Whatever’s happening, we offer the support that is right for you and a safe place to come and be; to hang out, have a drink and eat lollies, to cry when you need but also to laugh - because that’s okay too.

You can...
hang out with others who get what you’re going through
chat with our youth workers in person
come along to sessions for helpful advice and info on a range of topics
join our fun monthly activities
attend our twice-yearly weekend camps
access specialist services and support for any extra emotional or medical support you may need
challenge yourself to keep growing and developing your leadership skills and confidence by helping others and getting involved in TAP activities.
You decide what you need, in your time.

Parents and caregivers
We offer cancer support and connection in a caring community for parents and caregivers - whether you or your child or dependent are the patient, and for parents who have lost partners to cancer.
Cancer is heavy. We can’t change the diagnosis but we can change the support you receive.
We are local to Hawke’s Bay, experienced and ready to help you whenever you need.
Our shared space in Hastings is a haven for those seeking cancer support and a meeting place to connect with others sharing similar experiences. We can support you there or wherever you’re comfortable – your home, the hospital or out in the community.

Our members are like acorns - they often have a tough exterior but are full of potential. Once they are given a range of support and it is wrapped around them, they put down long roots deep into the ground and grow into tall, strong oak trees.
Over time leaves will fall and branches will break, but they will stand tall and strong regardless of what life throws at them.
Join us as a business sponsor. Contact The Acorn Project for more details.